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Aspen Exteriors Tour

My name is Dan Cherry and I will be your guide as you utilize my website to get all of the information we know you need to make a decision with your hiring manager if Aspen Exteriors is the company you want to partner with to earn an income and start a career in Construction Sales.

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My Resume Highlights:

  • Went to state in every sport I played in my Senior Year

  • Served 5 years in US Marine Corps

  • BS in Finance and Business Management from Iowa State University, where I played Rugby

  • Spent 5 years including time in college working in the midwest building sales offices for a $200+ Million Company

  • 4 Years as an insurance Broker

  • 2 years I started and owned a Magazine for Lake Minnetonka, MN

  • 6 years with Aspen Exteriors

    • Rookie of the year and incentive trip winner​

    • Made six figures my first 11 months working

    • Promoted to Team Leader

      • Hired and trained and built the largest most talented sales force that Aspen has ever experienced​

      • Other than our Sales Director I broke all records for a new Team Leader

      • Developed two permanent markets in Salt Lake City and Pennsylvania. 

    • Promoted to Development Coordinator​​

      • 2020 will be spent finding outside-sales reps to lead us to massive growth and unlimited possibilities​ for our Sale Force

      • Developed the highest quality marketing material to tell Aspen's Story.

Now that you know who your guide is, let's get started.  I will warn you that I was not a grammar major, and you do not have to be to hit your goals here with Aspen Exteriors :-)

Please do us a big favor! Our Hiring Managers do not wish to chase down anyone that does not want to do this job.  So we will give you a Huge Thanks for contacting you Hiring Manager to let them know what you think of the job.  All Hiring Managers are paid on commission only, so their time is precious to them, and they have chosen at this point to take you on as a possible candidate that they will spend time with.  We average 100-300 applications a day and we have to do a lot of screenings to get an applicant to this point.  So if you want the job or you do not want the job, please let us know right away.  Thank you :-)

Send me your contact information to be contacted by one of our Trainers, to see if you would be a good fit at one of our many locations. 

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