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So I guess this is my Blog

So this is the first sentence ever of my first Blog.   To be honest I really do not know the definition of a Blog.  To me as I am learning new languages, an amazing thing that I have learned!!!! You just have to be close.  The Australians say it best, because they talk with crazy accents and the way they talk is a form of ART to them.  Growing up in small town IOWA, we speak about as clear as day :-). We have very good schools there I believe, and our parents grew up in very disciplined families.  The neatest thing about IOWA heritage is that no one needed to be rich if your family has heritage is from small town IOWA.  NEED to be rich being the key term.  Why is that?  Because of fear, if you live in Iowa you live on top of the top 1 percent of the worlds best top soil. We all knew how to grow food.  If you have food, and fire wood, and water, you have no needs.  Communities today are only there because of the farming, too (that is an awesome to me).  If the farmers shut their doors and did not sell their land, there would be multiple companies that would go out of business.  When they go out of business the people lose their jobs. Insurance Agent all of a sudden has policies being cancelled because people can not pay their bills.  So she starts looking for another job ....... they move to a new place to sell insurance and takes her kids out of the school.   


Next thing you know, the school is closing since all the families moved away and the retirees finally got rid of all those people that they did not know :-)


Ha, I like that,   (Note: later you should tell the readers that you will make edits sometimes, or I will wait until a friend sends me the edits..... ). 


If you did not know this about me, but I started and owned my own Magazine.  That is pretty freakkkkking cool in my opinion.   The problem I had was that I was not raised to be an artist, I was raised to be a worker, and I either love what I am doing or hated what I was doing.  I mean I can do anything for 13 weeks (Marine Corp Bootcamp), but I never really knew I could love what I do.  


I started a magazine not because I had a passion for the art of it, but because if made sense financially. I loved what it did for the community, however I did not fall in love with it at the time because it also caused me a lot of pain because I had to literally do everything except print it and mail it (Best Version Media did that !!!).   Why did I hate it? because I was mostly selling advertising.  That shit can suck, I mean I know it makes sense and so do they.  So we really sold SPONSORSHIPS.  Gave the client a voice in the community, and I took pretty good care of my clients.  Better than most magazine owners.     (when people say "No Regrats," that stuck for most of the US.  So people stopped admitting their regrets.  It is like we did not know that it was okay to be vulnerable.  That we had to always be strong.  Well, I am going to start calling myself out on things I regret.  However, I am not going to beat myself up about it, I am going to forgive myself and ask myself to learn from it.) I wish I would have explored my passion more for writing and reporting, because that was very fun. 


and it was "Work," so to me that was usually something I did not want to be doing.  So I do not think I let myself enjoy that part of career as a Magazine Publisher "South Lake Neighbors," Excelsior MN was the heart of it.   Wow, that is just a magical town, and I was part of the chamber and was active in all of the town events.  Very cool if you like the people :-). 


So why did I never get into Journalism?  Because I could not read well at all, that is why .... imagine being blind, and someone asking you why they do not dance in public?  Because it is a weakness I was born with, so I stayed away from english classes, reading classes, or anything where there was a lot of book time.   5 years later I am a magazine publisher :-). 


My wife is awesome, she would probably tell me that I was trying to become my best self as an insurance agent, but my true self, or my true path pulled me back to the arts, and to starting a business in publishing and my life force continued to pull me towards the artistic world for the first time in my life.  


AMEN!!!  The word Art to most people is paintings or drawings, which I SUCK AT!!!  so as a child I accepted that I was not an artist.  


Why was I in choir then? Did my mom make me? Was I required because I did not take band, and they will not let me take PE twice?  I do not know.  


Now there are only 25 percent of the choir is male.  So show choir and musicals were going to happen and they would need people to fill those roles.   I seriously have no clue why I did them.  I was used to doing what needs to be done.  Keep in mind I now have to read scripts.   My first Lead in a Musical was OKLAHOMA where the wind .......  We killed it that year!  The best one prior to that that I knew of was Clark Morgan's (Coolest Kid and the Nicest (great parents) coolest kid you could know) older brother was TATE MORGAN.  That guy was the coolest kids, big brother, and that GUY seemed super cool, and nice as well.   So TATE is in a musical when I am like 6th grade. Anie gotta gun type of musical, buffalo bill was in it I think.  But TATE was the CHIEF of the indians!!!  He was hilariously good, and I thought that was the best.  5 years later, it is me and Clark Morgan as some of the MAIN leads.   That was fun.  Thank you Miss Baum.  I never liked your son, but you were the best!!!! I am sure your daughter is sweet :-)


But not Dan Cherry, I am not an ARTIST.  Lets join the MARINES .... because that is what you should do ......  


well I am going to end my post here, and look for a few photos to add to this first blog-honest-rambling in Dan Cherry's own language, that can only be interpreted by Dan Cherry 6 months after you ask him what he meant by saying that.  #DC4VP today is 


Saturday March 14th, and the United States today is going to have the least attended St Patricks Day Parties in the history of Party Citys birth as a store to buy extra green stuff.  And everyone is learning to take a shower after they go number 2.    


Cure to coronavirus!!! NO TEE PEE, #1 rule: you poop, you shower before talking to others .... sorry mother nature, we need some agua for a bit.  At least in most states we can now store rain water!!!



Last thing, now that I added the photos, I must say, that I surely had fun with the magazine, unfortunately I did not always know I was having fun.  Also the photos are of people that SPONSORED me, so I greatly appreciate your openess and support you showed me into your community of people :-).   Stay safe out there,  I am going to go to the bathroom and then take a shower, Keep up the good fight!

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